Guide On How To Change The Layout Of The Live Video Page

Pearl de Guzman

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

How to Change The Layout Of The Live Video Page

  1. To change the layout of the live video page on the website:
  2. Log in to the website.
  3. Go to Video.
  4. Choose a layout:
  5. a. Grid view for a 2x2 grid
  6. b. Hybrid right/Hybrid view for a 1+3 layout
  7. To make a certain camera view larger, hover over it and click <--.
  8. To show only two streams per page instead of four, choose temp icon two camera/temp icon two camera narrow.
  9. To only view a specific camera, hover over it and click the arrow box.

Note: The layout will revert to the default 2x2 grid if you log out of your account. Also, a maximum of four cameras can be displayed at a time. For accounts with more than four cameras, use the < or > buttons to view additional stream pages.

Please use this as a reference for the icons you will see for changing the layout of live video page using the website:

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