Can The Pan/Tilt Cameras Be Set To Do A Guard Tour

Pearl de Guzman

Last Update 2 jaar geleden

Can The Pan/Tilt Cameras Be Set To Do A Guard Tour (a Continuous Pan/Tilt Of The Area)?

Guard tours are not currently available on cameras, but pan/tilt cameras can be set to aim the camera in a user-defined direction when a specific system-triggered event occurs.

Example: If the front door is opened, the camera can be told to pan to the front door and record. For more information on creating or updating pan/tilt presets, see Change a pan/tilt camera’s position presets.

To create a rule for the camera to switch to a preset:

  1. Log into the website.
  2. Click Video.
  3. Click Recording Rules.
  4. Click +Add Rule.
  5. Click to select a supported rule from the New Video Recording Rule menu. Supported rules:
    • Sensor Opened or Closed
    • System Armed or Disarmed
    • Entry Delay
    • Lock Activity (for accounts with Z-Wave locks enrolled)
6. Enter a name for the new Recording Rule.

7. Customize the rule as desired.

8. Click to select the cameras that should record based on the Recording Rule.
9. Click to select Move To.

10. Using the dropdown menu, select the desired preset.

11. If video clip recipients are desired, click +Add Recipient to select the recipients to be notified when this recording rule is triggered.

12.Click Save Rule.

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