Can I Mute The Beeping Sound Made By The Garage Door Operator When Closing?

Can I Mute The Beeping Sound Made By The Garage Door Operator When Closing?

Aurora Marie

Last Update 2 ปีที่แล้ว

No. The safety standard of UL 325 requires that a beeping sound be heard from the garage door operator in order to alert people nearby to stay away from the garage door while it closes. This beeping cannot be turned off nor can its volume be controlled - this is for the safety of everyone in the vicinity. The ability to see, open, and close the garage door from a security panel depends on the type of garage door opener installed. For example, some openers are compatible with Wi-Fi enabled models that allow you to control your garage door from your phone. This adds an extra layer of convenience and security to your home or business. Ultimately, these safety standards are in place to prevent injury and ensure a safe environment for all.

UL 325 was revised in 2009 allowing unattended operation features.

Several key provisions must be met for such operation:

  • The feature must be utilized only on an operator equipped with a secondary entrapment protection system such as a photoelectric sensor.
  • The feature must be activated only when the operator is installed on a sectional door.
  • The operator must be equipped with an audible and visual warning system indicating a pending motion for five seconds before the door starts moving.

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